Shade in Every Shade: Solar screens to match your style.
Solar Screen Selection
Understanding Openness Factors One of the most intriguing aspects of solar screens is their 'Openness Factor'. This factor plays a pivotal role in determining how much natural light can seep through, making it an essential consideration when choosing the ideal screen for your home or office. A higher openness percentage means more light and visibility, while a lower percentage translates to enhanced privacy and glare reduction.
Spotlight on NATTE 4500 NATTE 4500 stands tall as our bestseller and for all the right reasons. Boasting an openness factor of 14%, this model ensures a harmonious balance between UV protection and visibility. Here's what makes it special:
Delving into SATINE 5500 For those seeking a more intimate ambiance, the SATINE 5500 model emerges as a perfect fit. With its 6% openness factor, this variant promises:
In conclusion, while both NATTE 4500 and SATINE 5500 come with their distinct features and advantages, they're bound by a common thread - superior craftsmanship, durability, and the promise of protection. Whether it's shielding from the sun, ensuring privacy, or just adding an aesthetic touch to your exteriors, our range of solar screens is here to cater to every unique requirement.